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Artister som gillar jesus
Papa roach
Shaddix gave his life to God in early 2013, several months after becoming exhausted from the never-ending cycle of hurt and hangovers as a result of his hard-partying past. -Alkohol och droger
Alice cooper
Having grown up with a father who was a preacher, Cooper has always had religion in his life. But it wasn’t until he quit drinking and drugging in the ’80s that he dedicated his life to Christ, partly at the urging of his wife, Sheryl. -Alkohol och droger
Och varför
Ellefson, who grew up attending Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Jackson, Minnesota, re-embraced his faith at the age of 25, after going through a 12-step recovery program. – Alkohol och droger
to thy own self be true’
The good Lord, our creator, however you want to define Him, has given us each unique skills to play a certain role here in our time on Earth. I think that if you’re living out what those skills and gifts are you, then you’re doing God’s will.
Artister som inte gillar Jesus
YMCA is an abbreviation for Young Men’s Christian Association.
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